Alumni Profile

Cengiz Ozkan Ph.D.

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Haizhou Liu, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Materials Science, Stanford University, 1997RESEARCH AREAS
Energy Processing, Materials Properties & Processing, Bio-Applications

Cengiz Ozkan’s research areas include the bottom-up fabrication of bio-nano systems, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of nanostructures, chemical vapor deposition of graphene, nanowire fabrics, photovoltaics and nanoelectronics. He is a member of the Center on Functional Engineered Nano Architectonics, the Center for Nanotechnology for the Treatment, Understanding and Monitoring of Cancer, and the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing. He has several US patents, over 40 patent disclosures and more than 100 technical publications. His awards include the FCRP/GRC Inventor Recognition Award, the TASSA Research Award and the Achievement in Technical Ingenuity Award. He organized several symposiums for the Materials Research Society (MRS) and American Chemical Society (ACS).

Contact Information

Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Bourns Hall A305
Tel: 951-827-5016
Fax: 951-827-2899
Personal Website